Friday, April 17, 2009

Canada/US - Day 1 & 2

That was one long jurney. I think I went 27 hours without sleep but we finally arrived at the hotel in London Ontario at around 6 in the morning, so we slept in till 10 o clock, before we left for the office and said hi to the people there.
Were a little groggy most of the day.


Angeline Rose Larimer said...

Wait. You're in Canada?
You're coming to the U.S. ?


Tell somebody, why don't ya!

Torben BoP said...

I think I did mension it..
Anyway, will be here until the 22'th, then we leave (on a shuttle bus to Detroit and a plane from there) for Bloomington Il. Where we'll be a week.

wv: redrab !

Jennifer said...

If you had mentioned it, I would have noticed. If I had noticed, I would have organized a posse. Well, not a posse, per se; but a committee of loving souls to see you safely to the security checkpoint at DTW (my most frequented airport, second only to TVC!) after getting you properly schnockered (that's Canadian French, I think, for "drunk."

Torben, I'm hurt! You're in North American on such short notice that I can't organize my feeble little brain around a plan to kiss your sweet little forehead!

I can't believe you didn't plan this business trip to include a stop here "up north" to hear the loons call.

I can't believe that soon you'll be less than four hours away, and we can't at least manage to meet half way for a fabulous meal and a bottle of wine!

I may require some time to pout, Torben.


wv: aringly, whatever the hell THAT means!

Jennifer said...

PS: 27 hours? Were you coming from Tasmania, for God's sake?