Saturday, March 28, 2009

Im beat

Been with my two sisters at my mothers place all day today.
We'we been building a fence around her front garden, to keep her daxhound Tjavs in.
It took us 8 hours, thats 24 hours in total - we're such pathetic handymen we are.

But the ground was very difficult to get into, stones everywhere and then at two places I digged into some plastic drainpipes, and at some places there were concrete a foot down. One hole were straight and easy, soil, sand and clay 5 feet to the right it was soil followed by clay and peach sized stones and mud.

But we finished at last and the result is not to shabby. - Or mabye it is and we just couldnt see it because the sun went down.

Anyway - I'll have a beer and go to bed early.


Jennifer said...

You spent the day in close proximity to wiener-dogs and you did not take any pictures to share with me?

I am hurt.

I love wiener-dogs.

Still, I hope your beer is rich and delicious, and not some watered down and nasty kind of "Bud-light" sewage.

Also, Torben, which language is your native language? I'm sorry if I've asked before.

Torben BoP said...

I'll try to remember your request for wiener-photos.

I speak danish. I know why you keep asking that! Yes its a pastry ha ha :-P