Tuesday, March 31, 2009

a' la Financial crisis

Today all the office staff were asked to meet at 10 in the canteen, where the boss she told us that the company had to let go of 6 collegues in the danish office.
And that the management would ask the rest of us to take a monthly day off, and a paycut to follow. To try to prevent having to lay off any more of us.

So a slightly sad day, apart from it being busy as usual. But if this is the worst it gets then i guess we will have been in luck - we'll have to wait and see.

When I came home I found this in my mailbox, from a local estate agent.

I have looked at it many times, and I still cant tell...


Jennifer said...

I am not a praying kind of girl.

Regardless, I am praying daily that all of my friends who wish to be employed or want to remain employed are able to do so.

These are unusually difficult times.

How do you feel about taking a day off and a cut in pay so that others may keep their jobs?

Torben BoP said...

Im only responsible for myself and Cat, so im able to get by with a paycut of that size. I just hope that it will be enough. And its important to me that we dont have to loose any more collegues, we are few enough as it is.

Real Estate in Toronto said...

Some companies are shortening the working hours from 40 a week to 35 to prevent the firing of people. I also heard that some companies are shortened the working hours but stayed at the same salary but after the recession is over those people would have to make up for the money again. That one is kind of cruel but still, works.

Take care, Elli