Sunday, May 18, 2008


I have cats. Lots of cats. All though not my own, instead all the cats in the neighbourhood pops by all the time. These two came visiting today. But I guess they were probably visiting the birds rather than me. (I'm not sure if they are brothers or what, but I'd like to think so).

It's not bothering me much, the birds usually have the upper hand, and it is rare that anyone gets hurt.


Jennifer said...

Now, there's a nimble fellow!

I keep three cats. Meaning, I feed them and they are free to come and go inside or outside, and I take care of their veterinary needs, and if they left me I would miss them. I know two of them to be excellent mousers (they will catch and kill a mouse or other nuisance rodent indoors or out), but occasionally one might kill a songbird, and while that makes me sad because I like songbirds, it also makes me happy, because cats must express their natural predatory instincts.

Anonymous said...

The neighbour's garden is always best - my cats feel that way too ;-)

Great photos!

Torben BoP said...

It was hilarious to watch how he scouted the place, jumping the fence and inching his way into that position. And even funnier to watch how he tried to get back down - Animals are great fun.

Hi Bente, thanks :-)