Friday, March 20, 2009

Loudun - Day 7

We finished early today, and left the office at 15:30 to try and find the winyard that made the wine we had yesterday. It was pretty cool to see the cellars and fields, and obviously we bought a few bottles to take home. Afterwards we went to the hotel and I even had time for taking a short run which was really nice, unfortunately there is no denying that my condition is not benefitting from the restaurant food and lack of running that I put myself through these days.
So I felt like a light dinner and chose the salad with slices of smoked duck and a poched egg. I didnt notice the part that said foire gras. So the diet part of the meal was kind of spoiled.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...


I believe it is possible to nullify the dietary effects of foie gras with an extra glass of high quality red wine. It's worth a try, anyway.