Saturday, February 07, 2009 sweet

Got home at 11 last night, Cat was happy to see me I think, he's kept close all day.
I made it easy for him, was'nt feeling well all morning, so I mostly spent the day sleeping on the sofa, with him as a warming blanket.

Im feeling better now and its so good to be home again.

Here's a short film of the trip from the Hotel to the factory, from yesterday morning. Just thought I'd show that it really is as boring as I told you.


Angeline Rose Larimer said...

Glad you're home.

I watched halfway through the footage, and it made me think of the HBO show about the guys who ran across Africa. Footage looked sorta similar. I dunno. It was so boring, my mind started adding whatever it could to spice it up, I guess.


How can anyone be in a cheery mood with THAT kind of weather?

Jennifer said...


I kept waiting for a traffic circle. I love traffic circles because we have so few of them in the US.

Seriously, this footage made me very nervous, especially when it looked like we were about to careen into a utility pole. Still, I could watch it a hundred times over.

I'm afraid to watch the more recent video, though. It seems very eerie. Perhaps tomorrow, after coffee?

Cat hasn't choked on a mackerel bone, has he?

Torben BoP said...

I brought no mackerel for Cat from Poland.
600km from the nearest sea is probably not the best place to buy fish..
Besides they have been feeding him plenty of extra treats I think he has gained half a pound.
And don't make fun of my driving, the speed limit was 40kmh, so in fact I was speeding for a while there.
I remember to film some traffic circles for you soon.