Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Day 1

We landed in Warzaw late afternoon, 2 hours drive to Kutno. Dozed off in the car, the last week or so has been busy, and I'm getting tired, my stomack hurts, I'm much to tense, just cant seem to relax .
Had a couple of beers with the guys at the hotel while going over the gameplan, I'll probably sleep ok tomight.
I am a little anxious for the week ahead.


Jennifer said...

Are you looking for ALIENS in Poland?

Torben BoP said...

Så far no redheads (not anyone looking genuine anyway). We did see one young girl in the office kissing a guy in the hallway, which we found a little strange, but hey! Later the same day she was kissing someone else. my collegue will try to keep close in case she feels the urge come up and needs help...