Saturday, May 24, 2008

Fairground attractions

Today has been a beautiful presummers day.

Every year at this time 4-H turns one of the prettiest spots near the lake into a fairground. The kids bring their rabbits, dogs, horses, chickens etc. and there are shows where they display their animals along with lots of others shows, shepherding with dogs, veteran automobiles and motorcycles, camels and elephants.

There is a really nice and relaxed feeling, people smile and even talks to strangers, I had a conversation with an older man who like me, were watching the 'tiny' veteran tractors plow and harrow, and he remembered having driven one similar to the one we were watching and started to tell me about the different tractors he had owned.

As I was cooling off with a cold beer searching for shade among the horses 'stables' I had a chat with a driver of a 4 horse marathon wagon. That seems to be an interesting sport, being able to handle 4 big horses in tight turns is not for sissies I think.

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