Sunday, April 27, 2008

Pain and relief
"Where the sun don't shine"

A - friend of mine had a minor case of hemorrhoids that oozed a little blood, and to relieve this inconvenience I wa^h^h^h^h My friend was trying to find something useful to apply, HE grabbed a container of lotion that claimed to contain Aloe Vera (which should be ideal for treating a minor cut) and applied a small amount manually.
While concentrating on the task he happened to read the label, and promptly started laughing out loud. With his butt in the air and with one hand applying - giggling over the fact that this was probably the place farthest from the minds of the inventors to use their "After Sun Lotion".

*Incidentally he was asked never to show himself at the drugstore ever again.


Angeline Rose Larimer said...

Did he get the hemorrhoids from biking?
Just one more reason...
I'm relieved this worked out Okay for him...

Torben BoP said...

Nah it's not serious - just an old war injury from a ski trip long ago, almost not worth mentioning. And has nothing to do with biking.

eh - so he told me...