Thursday, May 29, 2008

Considering becoming a Guerrilla

I think this could be something for me.

Then I'd get an excuse for wearing my secret Ninja Spandex outfit.


Uhmm Spandex.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

First Kiss

(got this in the mail today):

It's your First Kiss and several questions might come to mind:

Is it the right time?

Is anyone watching?

Does your partner even want to?

Is your breath fresh?

AND,---Should you use some tongue?

Then you say . . .

'What the heck!' and Just Go for it!!!

Monday, May 26, 2008


I think this is so kewl.
I really appreciate stumbling over something like this on the Internet, it almost makes up for all the crap you also come across.
This is made (90%) out of samples from the old Disney classic by a young Aussie guy called Nick Bertke. Goodone mate.

Sunday, May 25, 2008


With a stroke of the pen, a stranger transforms the afternoon for another man in this emotionally stirring short film by Alonso Alvarez.
Alonso Alvarez Barreda won the NFB Online Competition Cannes 2008 with the short film Historia de un Letrero (The Story of a Sign).

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Fairground attractions

Today has been a beautiful presummers day.

Every year at this time 4-H turns one of the prettiest spots near the lake into a fairground. The kids bring their rabbits, dogs, horses, chickens etc. and there are shows where they display their animals along with lots of others shows, shepherding with dogs, veteran automobiles and motorcycles, camels and elephants.

There is a really nice and relaxed feeling, people smile and even talks to strangers, I had a conversation with an older man who like me, were watching the 'tiny' veteran tractors plow and harrow, and he remembered having driven one similar to the one we were watching and started to tell me about the different tractors he had owned.

As I was cooling off with a cold beer searching for shade among the horses 'stables' I had a chat with a driver of a 4 horse marathon wagon. That seems to be an interesting sport, being able to handle 4 big horses in tight turns is not for sissies I think.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

You know - For kids!

I am guessing this is a pacifier, apparently comes with its own Egg-sack. If I had a kid I would buy one - which I know is kind of disturbing.

Sunday, May 18, 2008


I have cats. Lots of cats. All though not my own, instead all the cats in the neighbourhood pops by all the time. These two came visiting today. But I guess they were probably visiting the birds rather than me. (I'm not sure if they are brothers or what, but I'd like to think so).

It's not bothering me much, the birds usually have the upper hand, and it is rare that anyone gets hurt.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

TopGun trainee

Today I've been at the local glider club where I met up with my dear friends Kirsten and Asbjørn and their two boys for coffee and home baked.
But the more important reason was that their son Peter is now old enough (he just turned 9) to try flying with his dad, something I think he has been looking forward to for a long time (well they both have I imagine).

Are you sure he will be safe?


Press this button to call the stewardess!

Last adjustments

Look at his face, that is one happy guy. (click pics. to enlarge)

Waving down to mom.

I think he grew at least 3 inches.

And after there even were the bonus of getting to drive the cable puller.

No Kristian, you will have to wait several years son.

But he does not mind as long as he gets to ride 'his' big red tractor.

They even had garden gnomes

He is such a goofball.

Messing with uncle-BoP.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Country monday

I went out into the country yesterday, they say the weather is changing and a front is moving closer, so I thought I'd go out to enjoy the sunshine.

Then I came to spot this pretty girl on a field by the roadside.

She batted her eyelashes and looked at me with those big brown eyes.

I am pretty sure she was flirting there.

But Im nobody's fool, and it was obvious that she were just trying to make her boyfreind jaloux. - Women!!!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mom, Dad - There's a monster under YOUR bed!

I find this a bit scary and I don't even have children.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Wedding toast

Perhaps this was an idea for Myrtle's wedding.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Friday, May 02, 2008

Bop the builder

Finally those countless hours of playing with lego payed of, just followed the instructions and presto - one green house.